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What is your pick for the worst job done by a referee in a boxing match?


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Re: What is your pick for the worst job done by a referee in a boxing match?


Do you keep track of ref's performances in general, or just one's that you have seen to be dodgy?

I see a bad ref and instantly forget his name. Some of you guys are really on it.


I generally don't keep track. But Laurence Cole and Howard Foster have been dreadful in most of the fights i've seen them involved in. Even someone like Jay Nady being overly too vocal to fighters, especially early in fights have made me rate him as a bad ref.

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Re: What is your pick for the worst job done by a referee in a boxing match?


What about Arthur Mercante Jr. in Cotto v Foreman? The corner stops the fight when Foreman gets injured, everyone acts like it's finished and suddenly Mercante makes the fight go on with Foreman being barely able to walk!

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