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What is your pick for the worst job done by a referee in a boxing match?


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Re: What is your pick for the worst job done by a referee in a boxing match?



Jamie Cox vs Martin Fidel Rios - Referee Phil Edwards let them away with bites/kisses, punches after break and the most blatant headbutts you'll ever see in a boxing ring.

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Re: What is your pick for the worst job done by a referee in a boxing match?


Jamie Cox vs Martin Fidel Rios - Referee Phil Edwards let them away with bites/kisses, punches after break and the most blatant headbutts you'll ever see in a boxing ring.

I will have to check that one out pal. I know lots of others, but if I would have listed them all, then not many would have been able to join in.

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Re: What is your pick for the worst job done by a referee in a boxing match?


Hi Stan. Please would explain why you chose Larry Doggett, as this is a long fight and many people won't want to sit through it to see why you chose it. Plus with it being foreign commentary, it might be hard to notice what he is doing wrong. Thanks for your input.

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Re: What is your pick for the worst job done by a referee in a boxing match?


Jamie Cox vs Martin Fidel Rios - Referee Phil Edwards let them away with bites/kisses, punches after break and the most blatant headbutts you'll ever see in a boxing ring.
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Re: What is your pick for the worst job done by a referee in a boxing match?





Just a quick check through the video.


37.00 for a bite - The head butt I'm talking about

33.06 for bite, punches after the break and a headbutt all in one.


Both are the same but different camera angles


+ lots more happens

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Re: What is your pick for the worst job done by a referee in a boxing match?


One that instantly pops in my head was Danny Williams against errr Konstantin Airich, apparently 10 years ago now jesus!


Anyway it was a very random fight in Spain, they must have got the ref out of the crowd. It was a pretty brutal fight with a few knockdowns, and at one point Airich's promoter rang the bell to end the round at about 1min 30 to save him from being stopped. Seemed like Williams was gonna get robbed but he managed to stop the guy eventually, but it was just an outright shambles, not just the ref.


Wasn't exactly a big or significant fight, but I remember it well for the farce that it was.


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Re: What is your pick for the worst job done by a referee in a boxing match?


Hi Stan. Please would explain why you chose Larry Doggett, as this is a long fight and many people won't want to sit through it to see why you chose it. Plus with it being foreign commentary, it might be hard to notice what he is doing wrong. Thanks for your input.


Persistant fouling by Amnat- throwing John Riel to the canvas, holding and hitting- Mr Doggett had no control eventually docking a point in the 11th round.

Reminded me of the wrestling on ITV when i was a kid.

Tony Weeks refereed the 2nd fight and John Riel beat him with ease.

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Re: What is your pick for the worst job done by a referee in a boxing match?


Russell Mora in the Joseph Agbeko vs Abner Mares I. When he blindly didn't see any low blows.


Laurence Cole in pretty much every fight he's been a part of.

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Re: What is your pick for the worst job done by a referee in a boxing match?


Roger Tilleman for Ottke-Reid. Either horribly corrupt or horrendously incompetent. Take your pick. I never saw him before the fight or after it. Maybe he was created in a laboratory by East German scientists just for the fight and then destroyed afterwards. To be fair though the judges were appalling that night. It must have cost Ottke's promoters a fortune to keep him unbeaten.


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Re: What is your pick for the worst job done by a referee in a boxing match?


Roger Tilleman for Ottke-Reid. Either horribly corrupt or horrendously incompetent. Take your pick. I never saw him before the fight or after it. Maybe he was created in a laboratory by East German scientists just for the fight and then destroyed afterwards. To be fair though the judges were appalling that night. It must have cost Ottke's promoters a fortune to keep him unbeaten.

I used to go on nights out with a group of lads who were mates with Rob Reid and he was often out with us. He is a great lad, and often went on about that ref. Thanks for your contribution, Rob.

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Re: What is your pick for the worst job done by a referee in a boxing match?


Russell Mora in the Joseph Agbeko vs Abner Mares I. When he blindly didn't see any low blows.


Laurence Cole in pretty much every fight he's been a part of.


cole is such a garbage referee. Wasnt he the one who told Marquez after he suffered a cut, that he is up on the scorecards and can stop the fight for him, if he wants to?

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Re: What is your pick for the worst job done by a referee in a boxing match?


cole is such a garbage referee. Wasnt he the one who told Marquez after he suffered a cut, that he is up on the scorecards and can stop the fight for him, if he wants to?

Yup. Only reason why he's still working is because of is daddy Dicky Cole being the head of the Texas Athletic Commission.

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Re: What is your pick for the worst job done by a referee in a boxing match?


One that instantly pops in my head was Danny Williams against errr Konstantin Airich, apparently 10 years ago now jesus!


Anyway it was a very random fight in Spain, they must have got the ref out of the crowd. It was a pretty brutal fight with a few knockdowns, and at one point Airich's promoter rang the bell to end the round at about 1min 30 to save him from being stopped. Seemed like Williams was gonna get robbed but he managed to stop the guy eventually, but it was just an outright shambles, not just the ref.


Wasn't exactly a big or significant fight, but I remember it well for the farce that it was.



Yeah, this was sickeningly blatant. The whole thing should have been a no contest given the amount of nefarious fiddling going on.


No way near the same level as many other notable terrible refereeing performances but I remember Terry O'Connor's stoppage of Manfredo vs Calzaghe being a bad one.

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Re: What is your pick for the worst job done by a referee in a boxing match?


--- Daddy Dickie retired a couple years back leaving his spawn intact.


Joe Cortez, Kenny Bayliss, the modern beat of horrid refs is a part of the smorgasbord of history's horror of refs.


This guy deserves a negligent felony conviction :




Young prospect Pritchard Colon is now a cabbage after absorbing over a hundred rabbits from fellow undefeated prospect Terrell Williams in 2015. He started showing clear signs of distress as his corner and ref did nothing but outlaw the outage to continue, so they deserve a communal cell wit the ref and the boxing commission too. Maybe Williams too since he was losing the boxing end until he resorted to rabbits.

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Re: What is your pick for the worst job done by a referee in a boxing match?


the russell mora example is a clinic on how to be an incompetent stubborn referee , the look on agbeko's face when a blatant low blow floors him and mora picks up the count without a shred of doubt

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Re: What is your pick for the worst job done by a referee in a boxing match?


warning: duplicates ahead, as I am late to the party:





The OP is asking about "WORST JOB." I take that to mean, inept, not just corrupt. It's a tricky distinction.



One of the most obviously corrupt refs ever was, of course, Quartarone in Joshua-Parker, but I don't think he was inept. He did precisely what Hearn wanted.


Same goes for that German ref who actually helped the house fighter up off the canvas, instead of counting him out.


Same goes for the sorry sack of pig entrails Luis Pabon, who reffed the Wlad vs Povetkin wrestling match.

- - Pabon was also responsible for the complete bullshit that was Broner-Theophane, Povetkin-Huck, Golovkin-Murray, Burns-Crawford, Haye-Chisora, Vetyeka-Donaire......


And Kenny Bayless (Yes, even Kenny) calling a BS stoppage in LSC vs Ruiz, when Ruiz looked like he might pull off the shocker upset.


And Ian John Lewis, who called a TKO in Carson Jones vs Brian Rose, with Rose literally dancing on his feet, gloves at the ready, eyes clear, rarin' to go.

- "... You know, Jim, Lewis must have looked into Rose's eyes and seen something we didn't." Yeah, he saw dollar signs.


And ref Roger Tillman in Ottke - Reid, who literally was harassing Reid for throwing punches. LITERALLY.


And Terry O'Connor, scoring Fury-McDermott 98-92 for the Big Dufus, in a fight that McDermot clearly won. - And O’Connor has a loooong history of such horrible scoring: Simpson-Smith. Patrick Mullings vs Brian Carr, etc etc etc But he knows what he's doing. Like Lawrence Cole, he's the best ref money can buy.


And yes, the infamous Lawrence "Mr Grabby-Hands" Cole, who is obviously corrupt, not inept. Why do you think he still works continuously?





Truly inept?


I'd probably put Russel Mora at the very top of the list, for his "Mr Magoo" performance in Mares - Agbeko.


Or maybe the clueless Pat Russel, in the first BHop - Dawson fight, who watched Hopkins get purposely thrown into the canvas, yet didn't call a foul. (the fight was later overturned, which happens about as often as my girlfriend says, "let's just stay in this weekend and not do anything special.")


Or the lovely & talented Joe Cooper:


* Joe Cooper in Tyson vs Ruddick: Insanely early stoppage.

* Joe Cooper in Prichard Colon vs. Terrel Williams: Williams very obviously & deliberately rabbit-punched Colon for the entire fight. Cooper did almost nothing, finally issuing a one-point deduction around rnd 8. Colon’s corner finally took his gloves off after the ninth. He was disqualified, and then rushed to the hospital. He lapsed into a coma after that.

Cooper should have been banned for life.


* Joe Cooper in Amir Khan-Lamont Peterson: Cooper so butchered this fight, Mom could have served it up for Sunday dinner. (Preferably with a side dish of Cooper's liver, fired up with onions, and a nice bottle of chianti.)




Dan Kelley - Another "Magoo" performance, in Emanual Augustus vs Courtney Burton.

(Possibly the fight that tipped Teddy Atlas permanently over the edge. He's never been the same since.)



Alfredo Garcia Perez: In Danny Williams vs Konstantine Airich. Hard to say if this was corruption or a brain tumor. Probably both.


Tony Chaiarantano (AKA "Tony The Charlatan") - In Marcus Browne vs Radivoje Kalajdzic.

I'm still can't decide if he was purposely throwing the fight, or just brain dead. Either way, he needs to be tied down and eaten alive by rabbid, syphilitic rats.



Howard Foster - Groves vs Froch. - I'm pretty sure this was just early senility. Foster Brooks would have been a better ref.


Jack Reiss - Golovkin vs Monroe. - Though Jack is normally pretty damned good. Maybe he just had "a bad night." You know, like CJ Ross or Adelaide Byrd. :whistle:

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Re: What is your pick for the worst job done by a referee in a boxing match?


I could keep going all day long ....




But wait! Boxing is 100% legit!


I keep TELLING you guys ..........


^ That should be on my gravestone.







^ That should be on my grave STONES. I want three of them. (The final lucrative trilogy.:haha: )

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Re: What is your pick for the worst job done by a referee in a boxing match?


warning: duplicates ahead, as I am late to the party:





The OP is asking about "WORST JOB." I take that to mean, inept, not just corrupt. It's a tricky distinction.



One of the most obviously corrupt refs ever was, of course, Quartarone in Joshua-Parker, but I don't think he was inept. He did precisely what Hearn wanted.


Same goes for that German ref who actually helped the house fighter up off the canvas, instead of counting him out.


Same goes for the sorry sack of pig entrails Luis Pabon, who reffed the Wlad vs Povetkin wrestling match.

- - Pabon was also responsible for the complete bullshit that was Broner-Theophane, Povetkin-Huck, Golovkin-Murray, Burns-Crawford, Haye-Chisora, Vetyeka-Donaire......


And Kenny Bayless (Yes, even Kenny) calling a BS stoppage in LSC vs Ruiz, when Ruiz looked like he might pull off the shocker upset.


And Ian John Lewis, who called a TKO in Carson Jones vs Brian Rose, with Rose literally dancing on his feet, gloves at the ready, eyes clear, rarin' to go.

- "... You know, Jim, Lewis must have looked into Rose's eyes and seen something we didn't." Yeah, he saw dollar signs.


And ref Roger Tillman in Ottke - reid, who literally was harassing Reid for throwing punches. LITERALLY.


And Terry O'Connor, scoring Fury-McDermott 98-92 for the Big Dufus, in a fight that McDermot clearly won. - And O’Connor has a loooong history of such horrible scoring: Simpson-Smith. Patrick Mullings vs Brian Carr, etc etc etc But he knows what he's doing. Like Lawrence Cole, he's the best ref oney can buy.


And yes, the infamous Lawrence "Mr Grabby-Hands" Cole, who is obviously corrupt, not inept. Why do you think he still works continuously?





Truly inept?


I'd probably put Russel Mora at the very top of the list, for his "Mr Magoo" performance in Mares - Agbeko.


Or maybe the clueless Pat Russel, in the first BHop - Dawson fight, who watched Hopkins get purposely thrown into the canvas, yet didn't call a foul. (the fight was later overturned, which happens about as often as my girlfriend says, "let's just stay in this weekend and not do anything special.")


Or the lovely & talented Joe Cooper:


* Joe Cooper in Tyson vs Ruddick: Insanely early stoppage.

* Joe Cooper in Prichard Colon vs. Terrel Williams: Williams very obviously & deliberately rabbit-punched Colon for the entire fight. Cooper did almost nothing, finally issuing a one-point deduction around rnd 8. Colon’s corner finally took his gloves off after the ninth. He was disqualified, and then rushed to the hospital. He lapsed into a coma after that.

Cooper should have been banned for life.


* Joe Cooper in Amir Khan-Lamont Peterson: Cooper so butchered this fight, Mom could have served it up for Sunday dinner. (Preferably with a side dish of Cooper's liver, fired up with onions, and a nice bottle of chianti.)




Dan Kelley - Another "Magoo" performance, in Emanual Augustus vs Courtney Burton. (Possibly the fight that tipped Teddy Atlas permanently over the edge. He's never been the same since.)



Alfredo Garcia Perez: Danny Williams vs Konstantine Airich. Hard to say if this was corruption or a brain tumor. Probably both.


Tony Chaiarantano - Marcus Browne vs Radivoje Kalajdzic. (AKA "Tony Charlatan.") I'm still can't decide if he was purposely throwing the fight, or just brain dead. Either way, he needs to be tied down and eaten alive by rabbid, syphilitic rats.



Howard Foster - Groves vs Froch. - I'm pretty sure this was just early senility. Foster Brooks would have been a better ref.


Jack Reiss - Golovkin vs Monroe. - Though Jack is normally pretty damned good. Maybe he just had "a bad night." You know, like CJ Ross or Adelaide Byrd. :whistle:

Thank you for your excellent, thorough and very knowledgeable input. However what I was asking people for was their pick of the worst job done by a ref, with the purpose of finding out who got the most votes, as I didn't know how to set up a real vote with a graph. Yours is more of an A-Z of bad jobs done, but again, thanks for the contribution.

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Re: What is your pick for the worst job done by a referee in a boxing match?


Thank you for your excellent, thorough and very knowledgeable input. However what I was asking people for was their pick of the worst job done by a ref, with the purpose of finding out who got the most votes, as I didn't know how to set up a real vote with a graph. Yours is more of an A-Z of bad jobs done, but again, thanks for the contribution.



Well, I did write, "Truly inept? I'd probably put Russel Mora at the very top of the list..."


So there's that. ;-)

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Re: What is your pick for the worst job done by a referee in a boxing match?


Well, I did write, "Truly inept?I'd probably put Russel Mora at the very top of the list..."


So there's that. ;-)

I wasn't complaining pal. I also should have asked people to choose just one, so that others wouldn't think there was no one left to mention. We live and learn....and grow old and ugly.

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Re: What is your pick for the worst job done by a referee in a boxing match?


Well, I did write, "Truly inept?I'd probably put Russel Mora at the very top of the list..."


So there's that. ;-)


Interesting to note, that Mora actually hasn't had another horrible night since then.

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Re: What is your pick for the worst job done by a referee in a boxing match?


Interesting to note, that Mora actually hasn't had another horrible night since then.

Do you keep track of ref's performances in general, or just one's that you have seen to be dodgy?

I see a bad ref and instantly forget his name. Some of you guys are really on it.

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