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Least worthy champ ever


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Which champ should have never been one?

Did he avoid the best contenders on the way up?

Did he dodge the best challengers?


Did he sit on his title with poor excuses for not defending more frequently?

Did he only win the title through dodgy dealings like mob connections or bribes?

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Re: Least worthy champ ever


Any of several WBA heavyweight champions could qualify: Ruiz, Valuev, Haye, Chagaev - sometimes all at the same time!


Julio Cesar Chavez Jr - not just excused from drugs tests and given lenient punishment when he did fail, the WBC took the belt off Martinez and gave it to Chavez because they liked his daddy. Difficult to get less worthy than that.

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Re: Least worthy champ ever


Any of several WBA heavyweight champions could qualify: Ruiz, Valuev, Haye, Chagaev - sometimes all at the same time!


Julio Cesar Chavez Jr - not just excused from drugs tests and given lenient punishment when he did fail, the WBC took the belt off Martinez and gave it to Chavez because they liked his daddy. Difficult to get less worthy than that.



Great answer, bring them on. Some of them will educate me, and I like to learn.

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Re: Least worthy champ ever


Over the years I would've given a pile of names. But, with all the dilution of titles it's harder. Boxing has evolved so that we recognise multiple 'World' champions. Are they less deserving in a sport that we allowed to become fractured?


If they'e won fights and gotten ranked then who am I to really judge. They put the many years into training.

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Re: Least worthy champ ever


Alex Arthur and Nicky Cook as well. Arthur won a VACANT INTERIM WBO belt(the only thing worth less than a WBO world title) when he filled up his tank at a Shell garage, then proceeded to defend it against some East European nobody and Stephen Foster, a British nobody. He then scaled the lofty heights to fight Nicky Cook and managed to lose, the useless git.


Cook, for his part, decided to make the most of his title, and promptly gave it to Ricky Burns by falling over after a minute of their bout, claiming a cripping back injury.


Seldom in the field of human conflict has so little been owed by so many to so many others.

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Re: Least worthy champ ever


Luis Santana-He was 38-15-2 (29) overall, and 3-7-1 (1) in his previous 11, before facing Terry Norris...who gets DQ'd and loses the WBC 154lb title...then gets DQ'd in a rematch to give Santana his one successful defense before smashing him to reclaim his title. Whilst Santana had mixed with good oppopents between 1981, when he debuted, and 1989 he really didn't deserve the shot at the belt.

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Re: Least worthy champ ever


Over the years I would've given a pile of names. But, with all the dilution of titles it's harder. Boxing has evolved so that we recognise multiple 'World' champions. Are they less deserving in a sport that we allowed to become fractured?


If they'e won fights and gotten ranked then who am I to really judge. They put the many years into training.

Yes but there are always details that really matter. It is OK to say, they won fights, got ranked and put many years into training, but what I was looking for were examples of guys who may have beaten people, but that the guys they beat were not one's that should have gotten them a title shot. Or that when they "got ranked", it was political or corrupt. People are always saying, how is he ranked number one? Or, he has dodged this guy and that guy. Frank Bruno for example beat a few washed up names and ended up with four title shots, and even then, there is talk of the one he won being a fix. As a side note, how did Bowe get away with defending against Ferguson and a totally washed up Dokes, then give up his belt rather than face Lewis, who had stopped him as an amateur? Not a champ worthy of respect if you ask me.

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Re: Least worthy champ ever


Carlos Maussa. Worst technique ever. And probably should've been DQ'd for hitting Harris while he was lying on the canvas.


Thanks for joining in my friend, but having bad technique is not really being unworthy. You can be still worthy, just by beating whomever you are supposed to beat, with whatever you have, be it stamina, determination, an iron chin, speed, power etc. If he won his title by hitting someone whilst he was he was on the canvas though, that would definitely qualify him as an unworthy champ.

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Re: Least worthy champ ever


frank bruno terrible terrible terrible!

I just noticed that you chose the same guy as me. I have not thought deep into this, but Bruno was the first that came to mind.

He fought really well against possibly the best opponent he faced though, which in my opinion, was Lewis.

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Re: Least worthy champ ever


Luis Santana-He was 38-15-2 (29) overall, and 3-7-1 (1) in his previous 11, before facing Terry Norris...who gets DQ'd and loses the WBC 154lb title...then gets DQ'd in a rematch to give Santana his one successful defense before smashing him to reclaim his title. Whilst Santana had mixed with good oppopents between 1981, when he debuted, and 1989 he really didn't deserve the shot at the belt.


Yes, great answer. Don't be sad pal.

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Re: Least worthy champ ever


Alex Arthur and Nicky Cook as well. Arthur won a VACANT INTERIM WBO belt(the only thing worth less than a WBO world title) when he filled up his tank at a Shell garage, then proceeded to defend it against some East European nobody and Stephen Foster, a British nobody. He then scaled the lofty heights to fight Nicky Cook and managed to lose, the useless git.


Cook, for his part, decided to make the most of his title, and promptly gave it to Ricky Burns by falling over after a minute of their bout, claiming a cripping back injury.


Seldom in the field of human conflict has so little been owed by so many to so many others.

Another excellent contribution from Gav. I also like the sarcasm.

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Re: Least worthy champ ever


Over the years I would've given a pile of names. But, with all the dilution of titles it's harder. Boxing has evolved so that we recognise multiple 'World' champions. Are they less deserving in a sport that we allowed to become fractured?


If they'e won fights and gotten ranked then who am I to really judge. They put the many years into training.

The ones we are looking for are unworthy in one way or another. They didn't ALL put the many years of training in, there are many that were known to be lazy, and out of shape, some still tried hard whilst in the ring, like Witherspoon, but there are many others who did not deserve to be champ for many different reasons.

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Re: Least worthy champ ever


--- Totally inept view of primo given his crushing KO of sharkey.


Lots of koolaide passed out by the mob connected media. Has a better record than other mob era HOFers sharkey, Baer, Braddock. Lost his title in poor reffed fight where the neutral corner rule wasn't enforced. Became deathly ill and robbed by his managers, rerturned to Italy where he fought against Mussolini. He's one of the true heroes boxing ever produced. Many greater talents than him can't hold his jock up in that regard.

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Re: Least worthy champ ever


--- Totally inept view of primo given his crushing KO of sharkey.


Lots of koolaide passed out by the mob connected media. Has a better record than other mob era HOFers sharkey, Baer, Braddock. Lost his title in poor reffed fight where the neutral corner rule wasn't enforced. Became deathly ill and robbed by his managers, rerturned to Italy where he fought against Mussolini. He's one of the true heroes boxing ever produced. Many greater talents than him can't hold his jock up in that regard.


Hey what a surprise, LRR's does not agree with me yet again! It is irrelevant that he fought against Mussolini or that he became ill, or was robbed by his managers. The debate is about contenders for the least worthy champ, and from the books I have read, he was considered a buffoon, with no talent, who got where he did because of mob connections. I am not claiming to be an expert on him or his career, and there may well be less worthy champs, but from what I have seen, and as I say, read, he certainly is a contender for the title.

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Re: Least worthy champ ever


Carlos Maussa. Worst technique ever. And probably should've been DQ'd for hitting Harris while he was lying on the canvas.


But isn't it weird how he threw Harris off simply by swinging widely? And scored a picture perfect ko, not least. The most embarrassing moment of Harris' career, just as everyone was starting to buy into him as elite level champion. I'd say Mayorga was the most overhyped champion of my time, because Don King was on his side and he held two welterweight belts because he had taken Forrest by surprise and knocked him out. I thought Forrest shoulda got the rematch. He also got to fight for the WBC super welter title wrongly, because he hadn't before fought at that class and had lost three of his last four fights. But being with King gave him the opportunity to get another belt for "free". He beat Piccirillo, who never was that good at 154 and had lost his prime already and then got demolished by Oscar, deservedly. Derrick Gainer, tho I like him as a fighter, had a bad championship reign. Won the WBA feather title after stopping Freddie Norwood by a low blow, retaliatory but still it should have been a foul and a dq by the rules. Then he defended the title by a questionable split decision, a technical decision and another split decision. And then lost it in a terrible performance against JMM.

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Re: Least worthy champ ever


--- From what I read, you could be considered...oh never mind.


Primo more HOF worthy than DummBowe and your zero Mr. Field and the others in his mob controlled era. Plenty of fighters propped up today by modern day descendants of the mob. See TUE. Ali made his first splash against mobbed Liston in two consecutive travesties and so on and so it goes in Life's merry go round with new soft lumps of clay fans to mold and toy with.

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Re: Least worthy champ ever


But isn't it weird how he threw Harris off simply by swinging widely? And scored a picture perfect ko, not least. The most embarrassing moment of Harris' career, just as everyone was starting to buy into him as elite level champion. I'd say Mayorga was the most overhyped champion of my time, because Don King was on his side and he held two welterweight belts because he had taken Forrest by surprise and knocked him out. I thought Forrest shoulda got the rematch. He also got to fight for the WBC super welter title wrongly, because he hadn't before fought at that class and had lost three of his last four fights. But being with King gave him the opportunity to get another belt for "free". He beat Piccirillo, who never was that good at 154 and had lost his prime already and then got demolished by Oscar, deservedly. Derrick Gainer, tho I like him as a fighter, had a bad championship reign. Won the WBA feather title after stopping Freddie Norwood by a low blow, retaliatory but still it should have been a foul and a dq by the rules. Then he defended the title by a questionable split decision, a technical decision and another split decision. And then lost it in a terrible performance against JMM.[/QU,


Mayorga was a tough guy, but now you have laid this info in front of me, he does seem to be an undeserving champ. Thanks for the contribution and the info.

Edited by chaconfan
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Re: Least worthy champ ever


--- From what I read, you could be considered...oh never mind.


Primo more HOF worthy than DummBowe and your zero Mr. Field and the others in his mob controlled era. Plenty of fighters propped up today by modern day descendants of the mob. See TUE. Ali made his first splash against mobbed Liston in two consecutive travesties and so on and so it goes in Life's merry go round with new soft lumps of clay fans to mold and toy with.

Well we all entitled to our own opinion, however I would imagine the only top twenty list of greatest heavies of all time, that would have Carnera above Holyfield, would be compiled by yourself, or a close member of Carnera's family. Thought you might like to read this,off wikipedia.......Carnera became world champion by knocking out Sharkey in round six. The fight came under the eye of fans and sportswriters alike when the uppercut that KO'd Sharkey was believed not to have landed. Rumours of a mob fix were brought up causing some to maintain Sharkey threw the fight. Sharkey himself would later confess to having taken a dive. Holyfield despite having to fight much bigger men than himself should have been 5 time heavyweight champ, if not for the robbery against Valuev, in what was the biggest weight discrepancy in heavyweight history.....plus he was old and washed up. What was Carnera's ring nickname again? The ambling alp? Doesn't sound like he had much respect as a boxer to me, my best pal.

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Re: Least worthy champ ever


--- Might try watching the fight Einstein.


Better yet, just watch the punch. American sportswriters propping up American has beens been around for ages. See GI Joe for reference.

You can continue to try to ridicule me, criticize me, try to get one over on me, be sarcastic, whatever your sad self wants, but anyone reading our continuing fued will know, I am not stupid.


It might occur to you that I may have already watched it, since I have been a boxing fanatic my whole life. Old fights aren't exactly in HD, therefore, just like Ali v Liston 2, you cannot see things very clearly, hence it becoming a controversial subject for many years, with no conclusive answer. Sharkey admitting he took a dive may help sway some people too, but others may say he was just doing a Jack Johnson.

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