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Arum: Mayweather wanted $100 million to fight Pacman; rips D


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I'm not interested in peoples opinion of Mayweather. I am saying one is a fighter, the other is something that leeches off fighters, yet people are giving creedence to the leeches words.


Are some of you aware this is someone who was secretely taped having a conversation with Cedric Kushner in which he said " Let the n*****s do the fighting, and we'll keep most of the money " ?


That is the kind of filth some folks are happy to support in their anxiety to disparage Mayweather.

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I'm not interested in peoples opinion of Mayweather. I am saying one is a fighter, the other is something that leeches off fighters, yet people are giving creedence to the leeches words.


Are some of you aware this is someone who was secretely taped having a conversation with Cedric Kushner in which he said " Let the n*****s do the fighting, and we'll keep most of the money " ?


That is the kind of filth some folks are happy to support in their anxiety to disparage Mayweather.


That's bull, for starters. So you don't get all defensive when people attack your cagey hero, no?


Promoters are scum, we all know that. They are businessmen. They are in it for the money. Tell us something new!


In fact, that's their role...ya know, to collect the money. *rolls eyes*


Mayweather's equally just as filthy, being spiteful and putting down the rep of another boxer by accusing him of being roids with no solid proof.


Kettle, pot, black?


Lump them together, one is not anymore decent than the other.


And this is boxing, not a tickling sport. It's meant for brutality.

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The phrase, "People on Bud..." encompasses himself also. grin//


As part of my apparent self-imposed role as the Open University on here, I would like to point out that in English "people" can mean several things in different contexts. In McBride's case, he used it to mean "Some people", so strictly speasking he's not including himself or even everyone on the forum.

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I'm not interested in peoples opinion of Mayweather. I am saying one is a fighter, the other is something that leeches off fighters, yet people are giving creedence to the leeches words.


Are some of you aware this is someone who was secretely taped having a conversation with Cedric Kushner in which he said " Let the n*****s do the fighting, and we'll keep most of the money " ?


That is the kind of filth some folks are happy to support in their anxiety to disparage Mayweather.


Okay, how about we ignore Arum altogether, and listen to another fighters comments on things;



He's not pushing hard for the fight "because Mayweather doesn't want the fight".

I'm sure you'll find some way of discrediting Pacquiao too and your whole logic will come undone mind ;)

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The phrase, "People on Bud..." encompasses himself also. grin//


As part of my apparent self-imposed role as the Open University on here, I would like to point out that in English "people" can mean several things in different contexts. In McBride's case, he used it to mean "Some people", so strictly speasking he's not including himself or even everyone on the forum.


Ahhhhh, now, where in the world would we be without the politically correct.

Can a jab be a jab?

If not then ok.

It always is what it is.

Either way (and not in a condescending way) thank you gav for the clarification.

Duly noted.

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I'm not discrediting Floyd, he's doing that himself.

When you're "rolling big" like Mr. Money May, you have top notch lawyers. Right??? Of course, Absolutely no question about. So if the scoundrel Arum is...

Slander, Defamation & Libel


Slander, Defamation and Libel are all basically one in the same where a person’s reputation is put in a bad light because of statements made that were either not factual or twisted out of context. It should be noted that opinions cannot be considered slander, defamation or libel as it is protected by the constitutional free speech.


There are slight differences between slander, defamation and libel. Generally speaking defamation is when someone issues a false statement about another person or another entity that causes harm. “Harm” can be in the form of financial distress, reputational damage or anything else that can be quantitively proven.


Slander is also quite similar in that it involves making a defamatory statement against a person or an entity by a transitionary representation. This basically means that the defamation wasn’t written down anywhere but through witnesses can be proven. Slander normally is in the form of verbal representation.


Libel involves making defamatory statements in a printed or fixed media form. This basically means that anything written down that is available for public viewing. These normally include newspaper reports or magazine articles.


With either slander, defamation or libel there must be some elements present for a case to be considered. Some elements include:


- A statement against another that is false and defamatory;

- Present and accountable damage to the plaintiff;

- Public defamation or libel must at least amount to negligence; and

- Unprivileged publication of a statement to a third party.


Typically, damages for plaintiffs are in the form of lost reputation but the trick to getting it even considered in most cases is to establish that it has caused high enough levels of mental anguish that require compensation. Most state jurisdictions also allow for “per se” defamation where actual damages to the plaintiff do not need to be proven; rather the presumed damages are enough to establish a case. These are most common when a professional standing and character is defamed, allegations that an unmarried person is unchaste and if a person is alleged to have committed immoral acts.


Although slander, defamation and libel cases are quite easy to file the benefits may not necessarily outweigh its costs. Most times, these suits are done because a person has lost reputation due to an incident. The problem is when suits are filed publicity increases and may actually cause unnecessary amounts of exposure.


If you (Floyd Mayweather) feel that your reputation has been negatively affected by slander, defamation or libel then you should contact a personal injury lawyer to talk about different options that you may have.\


If the one said does not request, sugggest or command his lawyers to persue in court compenstion for any of the alleged crimes against him then...,

then to me case F****g cloesed.

The guy has not a leg to stand on and is D-U-C-K-I-N-G the man (Pacman).


No harm no foul, right???

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Ahhhhh, now, where in the world would we be without the politically correct.


I dunno, political correctness has never ben my thing, just general correctness and specifically when it relates to the lexicon ;)


I don't want to come across as some sort of intellectual with a superiority comples because I don't qualify for either. It's just words and language fascinate me, and (especially as you use rather a lot) I thought I'd make the point in the interestes of accuracy.


I like accuracy in typing too, but I think my brain's decided I need something to strive for.

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Ahhhhh, now, where in the world would we be without the politically correct.


I dunno, political correctness has never ben my thing, just general correctness and specifically when it relates to the lexicon ;)


I don't want to come across as some sort of intellectual with a superiority comples because I don't qualify for either. It's just words and language fascinate me, and (especially as you use rather a lot) I thought I'd make the point in the interestes of accuracy.


I like accuracy in typing too, but I think my brain's decided I need something to strive for.


Please say I'm not the only one who sees the irony? :-p

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Ahhhhh, now, where in the world would we be without the politically correct.


I dunno, political correctness has never ben my thing, just general correctness and specifically when it relates to the lexicon ;)


I don't want to come across as some sort of intellectual with a superiority comples because I don't qualify for either. It's just words and language fascinate me, and (especially as you use rather a lot) I thought I'd make the point in the interestes of accuracy.


I like accuracy in typing too, but I think my brain's decided I need something to strive for.


Please say I'm not the only one who sees the irony? :-p


You may be the only one who missed the point ;)

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Ahhhhh, now, where in the world would we be without the politically correct.


I dunno, political correctness has never ben my thing, just general correctness and specifically when it relates to the lexicon ;)


I don't want to come across as some sort of intellectual with a superiority comples because I don't qualify for either. It's just words and language fascinate me, and (especially as you use rather a lot) I thought I'd make the point in the interestes of accuracy.


I like accuracy in typing too, but I think my brain's decided I need something to strive for.


Please say I'm not the only one who sees the irony? :-p


You may be the only one who missed the point ;)



Good nature d fun, for those of us who don't go out for the weekend.

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I'm not interested in peoples opinion of Mayweather. I am saying one is a fighter, the other is something that leeches off fighters, yet people are giving creedence to the leeches words.


Are some of you aware this is someone who was secretely taped having a conversation with Cedric Kushner in which he said " Let the n*****s do the fighting, and we'll keep most of the money " ?


That is the kind of filth some folks are happy to support in their anxiety to disparage Mayweather.


Okay, how about we ignore Arum altogether, and listen to another fighters comments on things;



He's not pushing hard for the fight "because Mayweather doesn't want the fight".

I'm sure you'll find some way of discrediting Pacquiao too and your whole logic will come undone mind ;)


And how about all the other fighters that have publicly asked exactly what it is that Pakow has got to hide with his refusal to adhere to the blood testing requirements.


I suppose they dont count either in your silly little anti Mayweather crusade.

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I'm not interested in peoples opinion of Mayweather. I am saying one is a fighter, the other is something that leeches off fighters, yet people are giving creedence to the leeches words.


Are some of you aware this is someone who was secretely taped having a conversation with Cedric Kushner in which he said " Let the n*****s do the fighting, and we'll keep most of the money " ?


That is the kind of filth some folks are happy to support in their anxiety to disparage Mayweather.


That's bull, for starters. So you don't get all defensive when people attack your cagey hero, no?


Promoters are scum, we all know that. They are businessmen. They are in it for the money. Tell us something new!


In fact, that's their role...ya know, to collect the money. *rolls eyes*


Mayweather's equally just as filthy, being spiteful and putting down the rep of another boxer by accusing him of being roids with no solid proof.


Kettle, pot, black?


Lump them together, one is not anymore decent than the other.


And this is boxing, not a tickling sport. It's meant for brutality.




See, its not that difficult when you try using your brains instead of your mouth is it really?


The enlarged part is all you need to know, and once you get the hang of it, you might even learn to give everything they say the same consideration as you would dog shit.


Your opinion on any fighter is just that, worth no more than anyone elses, despite what your ego may tell you.

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